1. deseats::CIVLABOR
    Monthly Civilian Labor Force Level in the USA
  2. deseats::CONSUMPTION
    Quarterly Real Final Consumption Expenditure for Australia
  3. deseats::COVID
    Daily Confirmed New COVID-19 Cases in Germany
  4. deseats::DEATHS
    Monthly Deaths in Germany
  5. deseats::ENERGY
    Monthly Total Production and Distribution of Electricity, Gas, Steam, and Air Conditioning for Germany
  6. deseats::EXPENDITURES
    Quarterly Personal Consumption Expenditures in the USA
  7. deseats::GDP
    Quarterly US GDP
  8. deseats::HOUSES
    Monthly New One Family Houses Sold in the USA
  9. deseats::LIVEBIRTHS
    Monthly Live Births in Germany
  10. deseats::NOLABORFORCE
    Monthly Number of US Persons Not in the Labor Force
  11. deseats::RAINFALL
    Monthly Average Rainfall in Germany
  12. deseats::RETAIL
    Monthly Total Volume of Retail Trade in Germany
  13. deseats::SAVINGS
    Quarterly Savings of Private Households in Germany
  14. deseats::SUNSHINE
    Monthly Hours of Sunshine in Germany
  15. deseats::TEMPERATURE
    Monthly Average Temperature in Germany
  16. esemifar::airLDN
    Daily Observations of the Air Quality Index of London (Britain)
  17. esemifar::gdpG7
    Quarterly G7 GDP, Q1 1962 to Q4 2019
  18. smoots::dax
    German Stock Market Index (DAX) Financial Time Series Data
  19. smoots::gdpUS
    Quarterly US GDP, Q1 1947 to Q2 2019
  20. smoots::tempNH
    Mean Monthly Northern Hemisphere Temperature Changes
  21. smoots::vix
    CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) Financial Time Series Data